It's the first total lunar eclipse in three years, and the first such eclipse corresponding to the winter solstice since December 21, 1638 - that's 372 years ago!
I purposely woke up, tiptoed to the window and tried to peer thru the clouds to see the event, no luck. Then I quietly crept to the computer and tried to watch the live stream on the NASA site, again no luck as the camera was taken down due to rain. As I contemplated going back to bed without watching the "Big Event", I checked with my friends on Twitter & Youtube!
And what should appear to my wondering eyes?! No, not 8 tiny reindeer, but many wonderful pictures and videos of the big, full, orange, eclipsed moon! The attached link was one of my favorites as you can see the whole thing from beginning to end.
Satisfied, happy and yes a bit tired, I walked back to my bedroom, smiling and thanking God for the amazing glimpse of His handiwork. Wow, just wow.